Light Therapy
The HydroSun system harnesses the beneficial effects of our Sun by removing the negative effects of the UV spectrum and filtering the infrared range (below 600 nanometers wavelength). This stimulates cellular molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP; the body’s energy molecule) and nitrous oxide, to enhance cell regeneration, blood flow and production of antioxidants which promote tissue repair and anti-cancer effects. Treatment is non-invasive, painless and relaxing.
Light Stimulation can be used as part of the treatment for:
- Skin rejuvenation by boosting collagen production.
- Inflammatory soft tissue conditions, such as acne, hidradenitis, and other bothersome chronic conditions.
- Improved Wound healing.
- Hair growth stimulation by direct stimulating growth of hair follicle cells.
- Deep muscle and ligament pain.